Alexandra & Ryan

August 11, 2024 • Wading River, NY
83 Days To Go!

Alexandra & Ryan

August 11, 2024 • Wading River, NY
83 Days To Go!

Our Story

Middle School Sweethearts

Ryan and Alex first met in 4th grade, as they both played percussion in band class at Frank P. Long. Ryan was outgoing, a class clown, it was hard for him to not grab your attention. On the other hand, Alex was a bit more shy and serious for a 9-year-old girl. They instantly became friends. Ryan showed his affection through teasing and jokes, while Alex showed hers by laughing at him. As they grew up together as friends, they soon discovered they had so much in common, but they also realized, they were the opposites that they both needed. To start they both hated band, but they loved their sports and had so many fun times with friends. Ryan helped Alex to loosen up and have fun, while Alex reminded him when homework was due, their affection for each other only grew from there. Through the end of middle school, high school, and then college they dated, but most importantly they were always each other's best friend. He was her person, and she was his.

After 12 years of knowing each other and 9 years of dating, we have grown as individuals, and together. Dating for so long and so young is bound to come with challenges and learning experiences. Through it all our love has grown and continues to with each moment we spend together. We bring out the best sides of each other and continue to help each other be better people every day. We are so excited to be engaged, get married, and continue our love story.